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Re: is designed as a scalable cross-disciplinary Research and Innovation apparatus -distributed between leading research, academic and development centres, acting as a scalable infrastructure to research, apply and integrate Art & Science & Innovation knowledge in scientific, social and educational context. To establish framework of a language and methodology to enable society and education to be more effective with the creative, scientific and technological capacity we have.
It customizes discoveries into experiential & educational innovative products for society in a variety of forms (see projects) with embedded value-sensitive design - an iterative tripartite investigation consisting of three phases: conceptual, empirical and technological. Re is based on the principles of participative co-creation, co-production and co-construction processes between science, art, technology and society.
The main goal is to create a unifying platform for accessible and engaging presentation of the achievements of human knowledge and spirit. For this purpose Re: is designing an experiential way of communication by including sensory experience and active participation of the audience in the learning process, and thus generates interest in art, science and high technology.
Its purpose is to create the conditions for the interplay of various intelligences to discover and apply an additional level of understanding and conscious experience on what it is to be Human on a multidisciplinary level with focus on emotion. The experiential approach for each project is concerned with extending our ability to comprehend and empathize with the relatively abstract elements that science allows us to understand as vital building blocks of our being, experience and perception of reality.
The different projects will enable responders to perceive abstract scientific entities as significant experience and thus achieve a sustainable powerful social, cultural and educational impact. The application of this new integrative paradigm will result in qualitative and quantitative enrichment and of public awareness on Science, Culture & Responsible Research and Innovation. Re: partners include higher education institutions, science research centers, innovation hubs, NGOs, SMEs and others.
On this project are working together scientists - physicists, chemists, biologists, doctors and artists - actors, dancers, composers and artists; on subjects that intersect Art & Science & High Technologies. Works for the implementation of international contacts and cooperation with similar organizations; organizer and producer of events, competitions, seminars, exhibitions, schools, conferences and symposia; designs, organizes and provides all kinds of tools and training on Art & Science & Technology; performs interdisciplinary Art & Science research and development on the formation, expression and function of emotions.
History: Re: was founded in 2013 as the first result from the collaboration between artists and scientists was the Music of the Love hormone - Oxytocin – translation from biological into musical form. To promote this project “Re:”, together with Sofia University, National Museum “Earth & Man”, National Academy of Art , Military Medical Academy, Music Academy and Art@CMS, CERN organized a novel hybrid event : “Sense of Universe” promoting science through art. The 7 days program included: dance performance on music of the LHC data sonification by the physicist Domenico Vicinanza and the Music of the Love Hormone; art & science exhibition of Bulgarian and International Art & Science artists; lectures and discussions. The main attraction was the testing of the audience with the Love Hormone and the quality of translation via neurological and neurophysiological biofeedback . The event had a great success. Along with it was lounged a Science Café project for series of public talks & lectures on contemporary science and culture topics, hosted in the Sofia University with very wide audience interest. Recently developed a game for DNA music generation, was presented at the Sofia Science Festival, and again attracted a large public.


National Academy of Art | BG​
Sofia Municipality | BG
European Organization for Nuclear Research | CH
“Earth & Man” National Museum | BG
National Center for Supercomputing and Applications (NCSA) | BG
British Council | BG
Art@CMS | CH
Sofia Tech Park | BG
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) | BG
Bulgarian National Television (BNT) | BG
Culture Center (SU) | BG​
National Palace of Culture | BG
Robopartans | BG
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ochridski" (SU) | BG
Memory of Mankind | AU